"My dad got out of rehab a month ago and has been staying with me, so I could help him stay sober. Turns out the medication he's supposed to take to help with cravings had been switched with aspirin, by none other than my dad. I confronted him today and brought him back to rehab. He cried the entire way. Everyone in my family gave up on him and won't help him. But he's my dad." - Andrew

"I have been fortunate to have traveled the world for business, as well as pleasure and interact with many cultures around the globe. One thing I learned is that ignorance is the biggest downfall in modern day society. Life could be so much simpler and the world could be closer to a peaceful existence if we just treated others respectively and as we would like to be treated." - Jim

"Golf taught me about honesty, integrity, perseverance and confidence. I think that this is what makes this game so real. You can find out a lot about yourself and the kind of person you are. Bobby jones said "it's the closest game we have to the game of life, sometimes you get bad breaks from good shots, sometimes you get good breaks from bad shots, but the show must go on." One day you are on top of the world, the next you're at your all time low. The beauty is that it's not about being the best, it's about being better than you were yesterday, as an athlete and a person." - Anthony

"After years of judging people, I was finally in their shoes, being judged. The night I came home from rehab was one of the most heartbreaking nights of my life. I wasn't expecting a crowd and the whole family was there having a party for my sister. I walked in and only a couple people said something. No one could even look at me. My daughter was hiding behind my grandmother in the corner. It was the first time in my life I felt like I had nobody. I thought to myself "I could walk away from my life as I knew it or I could face the hell I created and try to heal, move on. The most important thing I can tell you is, don't look at what people did, look at why they did it." - Nicole

"There are certain things in my life I'm proud of and things I regret, but if I had a chance to go back in time and change them I absolutely wouldn't. I am who I am today because of the choices I've made. I love to drink and when I do, I drink more than most. The hurt I've seen on the faces of the ones I love when I drink too much is sometimes devastating and I try and change, but it creeps up on me sometimes. I can give good advice and help a lot of people but my biggest enemy is myself, I just can't practice what I preach." - Matt

"I never really had an interest in history or politics until my 8th grade history teacher talked to me after class about how I had a natural passion for it. He just made everything so interesting that it made me want to read up on whatever we were studying. Six years later I'm majoring in politics and minoring in history in college. I just hope he was right." - Mark

"My dad got out of rehab a month ago and has been staying with me, so I could help him stay sober. Turns out the medication he's supposed to take to help with cravings had been switched with aspirin, by none other than my dad. I confronted him today and brought him back to rehab. He cried the entire way. Everyone in my family gave up on him and won't help him. But he's my dad." - Andrew
"I have been fortunate to have traveled the world for business, as well as pleasure and interact with many cultures around the globe. One thing I learned is that ignorance is the biggest downfall in modern day society. Life could be so much simpler and the world could be closer to a peaceful existence if we just treated others respectively and as we would like to be treated." - Jim
"Golf taught me about honesty, integrity, perseverance and confidence. I think that this is what makes this game so real. You can find out a lot about yourself and the kind of person you are. Bobby jones said "it's the closest game we have to the game of life, sometimes you get bad breaks from good shots, sometimes you get good breaks from bad shots, but the show must go on." One day you are on top of the world, the next you're at your all time low. The beauty is that it's not about being the best, it's about being better than you were yesterday, as an athlete and a person." - Anthony
"After years of judging people, I was finally in their shoes, being judged. The night I came home from rehab was one of the most heartbreaking nights of my life. I wasn't expecting a crowd and the whole family was there having a party for my sister. I walked in and only a couple people said something. No one could even look at me. My daughter was hiding behind my grandmother in the corner. It was the first time in my life I felt like I had nobody. I thought to myself "I could walk away from my life as I knew it or I could face the hell I created and try to heal, move on. The most important thing I can tell you is, don't look at what people did, look at why they did it." - Nicole
"There are certain things in my life I'm proud of and things I regret, but if I had a chance to go back in time and change them I absolutely wouldn't. I am who I am today because of the choices I've made. I love to drink and when I do, I drink more than most. The hurt I've seen on the faces of the ones I love when I drink too much is sometimes devastating and I try and change, but it creeps up on me sometimes. I can give good advice and help a lot of people but my biggest enemy is myself, I just can't practice what I preach." - Matt
"I never really had an interest in history or politics until my 8th grade history teacher talked to me after class about how I had a natural passion for it. He just made everything so interesting that it made me want to read up on whatever we were studying. Six years later I'm majoring in politics and minoring in history in college. I just hope he was right." - Mark
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